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Público·46 miembros
Dmitriy Subbotin
Dmitriy Subbotin

Teacher !LINK!

This page will provide you with enrollment and teacher FTE counts by subject and course. You may receive the statistics either as a web page or a comma-delimited file. The data will be summarized for a particular district, county, region, or the entire state. Values will be masked in order to comply with FERPA. Values masked on web page reports will be replaced by the characters "N/A". Values masked in comma-delimited files will be replaced by the value "-999" or "-9999999" (for the 2017-18 and earlier reports).


The two Environmental Education Centers (EECs) operated by DEC across the state offer a number of environmental education opportunities to educators, including formal teachers, youth leaders, homeschooling parents, and Scout leaders.

These centers are excellent places for field trips, have environmental educators on-site who lead guided lessons, and offer workshops to guide the educators on how to incorporate environmental education into their curricula. At Five Rivers EEC there is an extensive teacher resource center that houses information about many environmental topics.

At schools across New York students, teachers and staff are making a difference in their communities with programs to recycle, reduce waste, save energy and conserve resources. Besides the long-range benefits of good environmental stewardship, green policies help schools and universities provide healthier surroundings for their students and staff. More information on Green Schools.

Spend two weeks in Washington, DC, working with education and STEAM experts to explore the connections between informal STEAM education and authentic learning. Propose and develop goals for your own professional development, gain the skills to incorporate museum learning into your practice, and meet colleagues from around the country. There is no cost for teachers to participate and most expenses are paid by the Museum.

The National Air and Space Museum's Teacher Innovator Institute (TII) will welcome up to 30 teachers from across the United States in Summer 2023. Teachers will remain with the program for two summers, returning to Washington, DC, in year two to reconnect, develop their practice, and mentor the newest class of Teacher Innovators.

Middle School (grades 5-8) STEAM teachers who have an interest in expanding their practice to include informal education techniques. Ideal candidates are classroom teachers who plan on teaching for several years after TII. Efforts will be made to enroll a cohort that supports a diverse, equitable, and inclusive learning environment. Early career educators, educators of color, LGBTQ+ educators, educators with disabilities, and educators working in the public sector, particularly Title I schools, are strongly encouraged to apply.

I teach grades other than 5-8. Can I still apply?Yes. Our past cohorts serve students in grades PK-12 and beyond. We do prioritize middle school teachers when reviewing and selecting candidates, but if you fulfill the other criteria, we welcome your application.

I am not a classroom teacher. Can I still apply?Maybe. The focus of the Teacher Innovator Institute is supporting and uplifting classroom teachers, and through them, their students. Folks working in public libraries, museums, and other non-profit organizations may fulfill some of the criteria for application, but would need to demonstrate continued impact on students to be considered. Educators who own educational non-profits are not eligible to apply.

Can educators outside the US apply?No. TII is focused on teachers in the US and its territories for the time being. The only exception is for US teachers teaching abroad with programs like DoDEA.

A growing body of research shows that students of color do better when they have at least one teacher of the same race. These teachers can be role models for students of color, and they have been shown to have higher expectations and a better cultural understanding of these students. A diverse teaching workforce can also benefit all students by exposing them to people from different backgrounds. Yet, the teaching workforce in the United States remains predominantly white, even as the student body grows increasingly diverse.

In 2015, nearly half of students were not white while less than a quarter of teachers were people of color, according to data from the American Community Survey. The gap is not new, and in some places it has gotten worse. Disparities are particularly pronounced among Hispanics; Hispanic students make up a growing share of the student body, but the supply of Hispanic teachers has not kept up. In fact, the share of Hispanic students has grown so much that even if Hispanic adults became teachers at the same rate as white adults, there would still be a gap.

In the chart above, we start by assuming all adults have the potential to become teachers. The first step toward that goal is earning a high school diploma. Though 94 percent of white and 95 percent of Asian young adults (those ages 25 to 34, for this study) had high school diplomas in 2015, just 89 percent of black adults and 76 percent of Hispanic adults had high school diplomas.

When we consider only college graduates as the pool of potential teachers, the story changes slightly. This view helps explain why Asians make up a relatively small share of the teaching workforce, despite graduating from college at higher rates than any racial group.

White teachers are more likely to hold undergraduate teaching degrees than teachers of other races. Black, Asian, and Hispanic teachers, meanwhile, are all more likely to have entered teaching through an alternative path. This may be in part because of differences in demographics and credentialing requirements across states. Teacher labor markets tend to be highly localized, with most teachers working in the states, or even the districts, where they grew up. So if, for example, the states where black college graduates are more likely to live are also the states that allow teachers to enter the profession through alternative certification programs, it is not surprising that black teachers tend to come through those channels. Research also suggests that some credentialing requirements may disproportionately hurt minority teacher candidates.

Because teaching job markets are local and because demographics and credentialing requirements vary by state, policy solutions to increase teacher diversity are most likely to be found at the local level.

The state and city data also give us important information about where teachers of color are working. Though looking at the differences between student and teacher demographics is important, the proportion of diverse teachers matters on its own. For instance, a student is much more likely to have a nonwhite teacher in California, where 35 percent of teachers are people of color, than in Vermont, where only 3 percent of teachers are nonwhite.

To support districts in their implementation of Senate Bill 10-191, CDE created a State Model Evaluation System for teachers. While not mandatory, this system provides an option that focuses on teachers' professional growth and aligns with State Board of Education rules.

In response, CDE initiated the development of a set of guides written by practitioners for practitioners. They are intended to provide informal advice to teachers and their evaluators to help them understand the evaluation process within their specific context and offer a guide for how to evaluate licensed personnel (H.E.L.P.).

The Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) System rewards effective teachers with leadership opportunities and higher pay, attracts promising new teachers with competitive starting salaries and more support, and fosters greater collaboration for all teachers to learn from each other.

The overriding philosophy of the system is multi-pronged, but boils down to this: Improving student learning requires improving the instruction they receive each day. There is no better way to do this than to empower our best teachers to lead the effort.

What this report finds: The teacher shortage is real, large and growing, and worse than we thought. When indicators of teacher quality (certification, relevant training, experience, etc.) are taken into account, the shortage is even more acute than currently estimated, with high-poverty schools suffering the most from the shortage of credentialed teachers.

What we can do about it: Tackle the working conditions and other factors that are prompting teachers to quit and dissuading people from entering the profession, thus making it harder for school districts to retain and attract highly qualified teachers: low pay, a challenging school environment, and weak professional development support and recognition. In addition to tackling these factors for all schools, we must provide extra supports and funding to high-poverty schools, where teacher shortages are even more of a problem.

We argue that, when issues such as teacher quality and the unequal distribution of highly qualified teachers across schools serving different concentrations of low-income students are taken into consideration, the teacher shortage problem is much more severe than previously recognized.

The current national estimates of the teacher shortage likely understate the magnitude of the problem because the estimates consider the new qualified teachers needed to meet new demand. However, not all current teachers meet the education, experience, and certification requirements associated with being a highly qualified teacher.

When looking across types of schools, two factors further contribute to the shortage of highly qualified teachers in high-poverty schools. First, while the data still confirm that higher credentials deter attrition (in this analysis, shown descriptively), we find that this link between quality and retention is weaker in high-poverty schools, and this leads to a relative leakage of credentials through attrition in high-poverty schools. We present our own analysis of these links in Table 2. In both high- and low-poverty schools, the credentials of teachers who stay in the school are better than those of teachers who quit teaching altogether. But the differences are narrower for teachers in high-poverty schools (with the exception of the share of teachers who majored in their subject of main assignment). 041b061a72

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