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Ванек Власов
Ванек Власов


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Return an iterator that applies function to every item of iterable,yielding the results. If additional iterables arguments are passed,function must take that many arguments and is applied to the items from alliterables in parallel. With multiple iterables, the iterator stops when theshortest iterable is exhausted. For cases where the function inputs arealready arranged into argument tuples, see itertools.starmap().

Return a slice object representing the set of indices specified byrange(start, stop, step). The start and step arguments default toNone. Slice objects have read-only data attributes start,stop, and step which merely return the argumentvalues (or their default). They have no other explicit functionality;however, they are used by NumPy and other third-party packages.Slice objects are also generated when extended indexing syntax is used. Forexample: a[start:stop:step] or a[start:stop, i]. Seeitertools.islice() for an alternate version that returns an iterator.

A multi-bucket value source based aggregation that enables the user to define a set of ranges - each representing a bucket. During the aggregation process, the values extracted from each document will be checked against each bucket range and "bucket" the relevant/matching document.Note that this aggregation includes the from value and excludes the to value for each range.

This is done without interpolating between the histogram field values. Consequently, it is possible to have a rangethat is "in-between" two histogram values. The resulting range bucket would have a zero doc count.

Range aggregation is a bucket aggregation, which partitions documents into buckets rather than calculating metrics over fields likemetrics aggregations do. Each bucket represents a collection of documents which sub-aggregations can run on.On the other hand, a histogram field is a pre-aggregated field representing multiple values inside a single field:buckets of numerical data and a count of items/documents for each bucket. This mismatch between the range aggregations expected input(expecting raw documents) and the histogram field (that provides summary information) limits the outcome of the aggregationto only the doc counts for each bucket.

The range generally gives you a good indicator of variability when you have a distribution without extreme values. When paired with measures of central tendency, the range can tell you about the span of the distribution.

Use Range (arg), where arg names the range, to return a Range object that represents a single cell or a range of cells. The following example places the value of cell A1 in cell A5.

The following example fills the range A1:H8 with random numbers by setting the formula for each cell in the range. When it's used without an object qualifier (an object to the left of the period), the Range property returns a range on the active sheet. If the active sheet isn't a worksheet, the method fails.

Use Cells on a worksheet to obtain a range consisting all single cells on the worksheet. You can access single cells via Item(row, column), where row is the row index and column is the column index.Item can be omitted since the call is forwarded to it by the default member of Range.The following example sets the value of cell A1 to 24 and of cell B1 to 42 on the first sheet of the active workbook.

Use_expression_.Cells, where expression is an expression that returns a Range object, to obtain a range with the same address consisting of single cells.On such a range, you access single cells via Item(row, column), where are relative to the upper-left corner of the first area of the range.Item can be omitted since the call is forwarded to it by the default member of Range.The following example sets the formula for cell C5 and D5 of the first sheet of the active workbook.

Use Rows on a worksheet to obtain a range consisting all rows on the worksheet. You can access single rows via Item(row), where row is the row index.Item can be omitted since the cal

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